Thursday, June 18, 2009

Groupon is Multiplying and will soon be an Octo-Groupon!

They’re multiplying! The groupon cities are expanding and hatching from their nest in Chicago. The first born was Boston, and now…New York, D.C, and San Francisco (have to give a plug for my home state, my fam and friends are happy now)! Watch out too – it will soon be an Octo-Groupon!!! (LA, Detroit and Atlanta are next.)

In case you haven’t heard of the addicting world of Groupon, check out my earlier post.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Staples "Career Stimulus Program" through June 13th

Have you heard of the "Career Stimulus Program" taking place at a Staples near you?  Now through June 13th you can get 20 resume copies *and* 40 business cards.  Those business cards can certainly come in handy for networking of course...but don't forget, it's always an easy way to win a FREE lunch or breakfast.  You just never know!  Check it out!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chicago Museum Free Days official site

Straight from the Chicago Office of Tourism, here's and up to date list of ALL the FREE Museum Days Chicago has to offer.  This is a great snapshot with many more museums than what I listed previously.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Heart Groupon - now for Chicago AND Boston!

Note: Group + Coupon = Groupon

It's official - Groupon is not just for our fellow Chicagoans anymore.  As of midnight on March 16th, the concept of 'getting your Groupon' expanded from the Windy City to Beantown.  I love love love this site, and can't wait for it to hit San Francisco someday so I can send groupon deals back to my hometown state.

Here's the story direct from their site:

Groupon, congrats on your first born!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"FedEx Office FREE Resume Printing Day" on March 10th!

I think this is great that FedEx is helping out!  They're offering up to 25 copies of your resume - spread the word!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chicago Restaurant Week - now through March 6th!

Check it out - it's been extended for one more week!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

IKEA Free breakfast through 2/16

Carpe Diem, seize the day!  Get your FREE breakfast from IKEA this weekend - until 10:30am, through Mon, Feb 16th!  Thanks Kathleen for this one!

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