Friday, March 20, 2009

I Heart Groupon - now for Chicago AND Boston!

Note: Group + Coupon = Groupon

It's official - Groupon is not just for our fellow Chicagoans anymore.  As of midnight on March 16th, the concept of 'getting your Groupon' expanded from the Windy City to Beantown.  I love love love this site, and can't wait for it to hit San Francisco someday so I can send groupon deals back to my hometown state.

Here's the story direct from their site:

Groupon, congrats on your first born!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"FedEx Office FREE Resume Printing Day" on March 10th!

I think this is great that FedEx is helping out!  They're offering up to 25 copies of your resume - spread the word!

Made by Lena