Friday, March 20, 2009

I Heart Groupon - now for Chicago AND Boston!

Note: Group + Coupon = Groupon

It's official - Groupon is not just for our fellow Chicagoans anymore.  As of midnight on March 16th, the concept of 'getting your Groupon' expanded from the Windy City to Beantown.  I love love love this site, and can't wait for it to hit San Francisco someday so I can send groupon deals back to my hometown state.

Here's the story direct from their site:

Groupon, congrats on your first born!


  1. I hope it comes to SF soon too! :)

    I forwarded your site to Terra, she is visiting your Windy city next April with her mom.


  2. Great, send me Terra's email! Hopefully she and her mum can take advantage of some of the free museum days! :)



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